How to boost your account to get more comments on Instagram

Until now, the greater or lesser success of an account depended on metrics such as the number of followers, 'Likes', and comments. Therefore, getting more comments on Instagram has become everyone's goal (although as you will see in this article it should not be the only one).

Top SMM Panel - And it is that it seems that changes are coming (or at least that is how they are announcing us), but for that reason, we should not panic, because just as we follow the guard with all the algorithm changes, this will be just another challenge. Which we will manage to face. And, for this, in this post we invite you to reveal:

Why the permanence of the 'Likes' on Instagram hangs by a thread.

The metric that truly allows you to detect if you are sharing the right content.

Hacks to get more comments on Instagram.

'Likes' vs Comments on Instagram

With the changes that seem to be coming our way, it is likely that this ratio we are talking about will vary. The main reason for this change is that we want to give more prominence to comments on Instagram and, for this, Instagram wants to eliminate the 'Likes'.

This news jumped some time ago, but it is still only a test that is being carried out in 7 countries:







New Zealand

Why shouldn't we be concerned about Instagram removing 'Likes'? Although this metric also influences the engagement rate, the truth is that comments carry much more weight. The reason is that comments allow you to:

Keep your profile active.

Encourage interaction with your audience.

Create a more loyal community of followers.

A comment is one of the most valuable indicators since they are equal to a person's time. The most valuable thing they can give you, because time does not recover.

Comments on Instagram are worth their weight in gold. Even more than a 'Like'. And this is so because your engagement ratio largely depends on them, a parameter that determines:

The position in which you appear in the feed of your followers.

The recommendations that Instagram makes of your profile to other people.

The popularity of your account.

The more comments and 'Likes' you have, the higher the ratio you will get when calculating the engagement of your account. Which means that your posts will appear earlier on the main page of the people who follow your account and you will have a more prominent profile?

Hacks to get comments on Instagram

We could say that the objective of all this experiment that Instagram is up to is to get users to give more value to the content that is published then to the 'Likes'.

For this reason, it is essential to think about strategies to enhance comments on Instagram and keep the engagement ratio of your account as high as possible.

Next, you will find a list of hacks that you can implement today to achieve this thanks to enhancing comments on Instagram:

 Add a call to action in your posts

The key is that you are able to leave your followers thinking with the content you have shared. You can post a news item that they are not expecting, or include a question that prompts them to respond immediately. Another option is to directly ask them to leave comments on Instagram.

 Upload your posts to the stories

All the content that you share in the feed, you can add it to your stories and at the same time tell your followers that you are going to be for 15 minutes answering all the questions they send you.

 Respond to every comment you receive

And it is not worth giving a 'Like', you need to respond. Just an emoji or a thank you, although the idea is to generate a conversation. The harder you try, the greater the reward in terms of interaction.

 Use persuasive copy to gain comments

There are accounts whose posts contain an empty message, without emotion, and with nothing to motivate you to read it. Use copywriting techniques and tell stories. You will ensure a better response from your audience.

 Add a question in the post image itself

Because Instagram is a visual social network, this text will help you get the attention of users and retain them to answer your question. You can address topics of interest, questions that arouse curiosity, aspects that cause them pain ... And then in the text of the publication you can add more details about the subject to be discussed.

 Run contests inviting to comment or tag friends

One of the rules that those who want to participate must follow must be to write comments on Instagram, within the corresponding publication. Or even mention a friend to spread your post more widely. It's a quick way to increase your engagement, especially if the prize is worth it. To select the winners, I recommend using Winnergram.

 Bet on educational content as well as fun

Occasionally. You can intersperse content that refers to your brand with content that provokes curiosity or uncertainty. This type of content goes viral very quickly. And the more people see it, the more likely it is that your number of comments will increase.

Ideally, you should work on sharing funny posts without losing the essence of your business. For example, you can create a video to congratulate Christmas with your whole team showing backstage, and at the same time about your business.

 Include relevant hashtags

When your content contains important and popular hashtags, it appears in the searches that users make in the explore tab. With this, you can reach more people who can leave a comment or start a conversation on your post. Of course, if you address a topic of interest to them.

An additional idea is that you use the hashtag and at the same time ask a question. That way you will involve all the people who follow you in a conversation about that topic.

Post and interact frequently

If your rate of publication is constant, your account will remain active and updated. And your post will reach more people and it will be easier to get comments on Instagram. On the other hand, if you only do it at specific moments, your publications will go unnoticed in the feed and your interaction will be less. In case your account has been too affected by algorithm changes, it is advisable to do a reset.

These are some of the tips that you can implement more easily to boost your account and get more comments on Instagram. So, start now and set monthly goals, for example, grow 10% each month, and thus you will achieve that your engagement ratio is increasing. Eversmmpanel is the SMM reseller panel in the market. We provide the cheapest SMM services for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube.


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